The office that adapts to you

Businesses never stand still, and neither should your office. Don't buy furniture – choose a subscription to constantly adapt your workspace to always meet your needs. Get unlimited flexiblity with NORNORM.

Be ready for any change the future brings

Yesterday, you might have needed just regular desks – today, a collaboration area to support project work might suit your needs better. Or you might want to create more quiet zones to facilitate deep focus work in a noisy office.

Optimising your space for new ways of working raises both productivity and the well-being of your employees. With a flexible NORNORM solution, you can easily switch your furniture around - all included in your subscription.

Read a Case Study about the benefits of workspace flexibility

Change whatever you want, whenever you want

In need of a change? We've got you covered. With NORNORM, you have unlimited flexibility to change your workspace layout and furniture anytime, and as often as you need.

Our team will redesign your workspace, plan the delivery, and assemble your furniture. We refurbish and recirculate all items you no longer need, so that others can reuse them – over and over. That's why our furniture is better than new.

All furniture and services are included in your subscription. You only pay for delivery, installation, and return – the rest is on us. To save you money and CO2, we strive to combine multiple deliveries in your area.


How flexibility works

Start your subscription today

If you move, we move with you

Moving to a new office? No problem – we will adapt your design solution to fit your new space and requirements. The only thing we need is your new floor plan and a heads-up. Our team will plan the move together with you. Moving to a new space will trigger a new start-up fee for the complete space.



About flexibility

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You are free to change any workspace area that is included in your subscription. For example, a room with regular desks can be changed into an open collaboration area to boost creativity. Or, one of your meeting rooms can be transformed into a lounge to offer more space for informal collaboration. Whatever you need, we will take care of it.

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We offer unlimited flexibility, meaning you can make changes at any point in time and as often as you like. Whenever you are in need of a change, you can just reach out to us and we'll make sure to accommodate your needs. Additionally, we will use regular check-ins to discuss any needs for change and help identify ways to improve your office. To make the execution of changes as cost-efficient and CO2-friendly as possible, we strive to combine multiple deliveries in your area.

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Your subscription includes the redesign of your workspace in 3D, the planning of the delivery, and all furniture you need. You only pay for delivery, installation, and return - the rest is on us.

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When moving to a new space, we will plan the move together with you and adapt your design solution to fit your new space and requirements. Moving to a new space will trigger a new start-up fee based on the full square meters of your new space.